Saturday 11 February 2012

Happily Jobless and Answering Queries

So it’s February and the month of love. But would you believe that I realised this only when I saw an ad on TV the other day? What am I? 19 or 90?! But then Valentine’s Day doesn’t seem as fanciful as before. Maybe because it became boring and people don’t have time to care for it. Whatever!
We got a week holiday as our hostel was under quarantine for Chicken Pox. It was so good. I mean back home, lazing around, sleeping to my heart’s content, watching TV and happily jobless. That is when my dad got this into his head that I am better off not inside home. So one fine day he wakes me up from my deep sleep at an untimely hour of 8 o’clock. He shook me out of my sleep and asked me to get ready quickly. I grabbed the nearest dress and got out. My situation is pretty much like other girls. I stare at the closet full of clothes and think I don’t have anything to wear. But I think I am different in one way. After this musing I put on the dress I wear every other day and my other dresses stare in dismay. I finally walk out in a way that you would call devil may care. I soon find myself at Taj Residency. My dad signed me up for some two day convention and I immediately regretted not having worn something better. I mean looking around there were men in suits and women with make up on and they would have easily taken me for some vagabond. Nevertheless they let me in against my fears of them doing the contrary. So my Dad registered me for a conference so that I won’t sleep from home. Now I can sleep in a centralised air conditioned room not so badly decorated. :P
Apparently I was the only law student in there. The rest were from management schools, engineering colleges, medical students, CEOs etc. They were discussing something I believe to be nation building. Yeah in two days sitting in the best possible place in the city they are going to build the nation. I didn’t talk much just so that I am not asked any questions. Seeing me lonely and devouring the coffee and staring at my half eaten biscuits that tasted of corn flakes and wondering whether this place doesn’t have any decent food people started talking to me.
Now to categorise the most common questions I got.
First: Are you from NIT?
I don’t know why this is their favourite question but believe me 4 out of 5 people asked me the same. Maybe I looked like I could be from NIT. Whatever!
Second: What?
Well this question is the response after I finally explain to them that am a Law student and telling them the name of my college.  Pretty much people haven’t heard of my college. I cannot blame them. I mean I wouldn’t if I had taken some other branch I guess. What then to tell of people who think the world is just filled with engineers and doctors and the rest are from another planet. My college got a huge name and I use the acronym and it is hard to expand it without taking much time and so I try to tell it under one breath it gets weird.
Well the same happened to me too. Someone told me he was from IGS. I was like what myself. He told me it was International graduation school. I heard it as International Grinding School. I blurted out loud, “What? You have a school for grinding?”. I mean it is possible. Maybe there is too. But am just ignorant you know. Bear with me. Well he obviously rectified the same.
Third : Why law?
Ok now this is like the most frequently encountered question in my entire life. Nobody has asked me anything else as much as this. And though I expect it I have never really formulated a satisfactory answer. In school when people ask you your ambition and you say law you get that question, after taking law you get it from everyone you meet and talk to, even in college while introducing yourself it is like the hot question you have no escape but to answer. And it is funny all the answers I get from my peers. I think everyone is in the same dilemma. Choosing something is not as easy as a one word answer, is it? You have your own clear and substantive reasons. But they don’t expect an explanation nor do they have the time for it.
I mean how many times does an engineer or doctor get asked why they took up that profession? Not much other than from people who are psycho analysing your character by investigating your thought and choice making process and deducing your capability for the profession I guess.
But then I feel the question makes me feel unique. I mean I can tell those ignorant people about the scope of law and it also feels like I am fervently clarifying my own decision and each time I get a new reason to have made the right decision.
Fourth: What do you intend to do after taking law?
Now I am only in my first year and I don’t plan five years ahead. The scope of law is so huge that I can go to any field of my choice. Ok now I tell you my present decision and you are one of those kinds of people who remember everything I will probably have to answer you why I changed my decision if I ever did so. We will both give time take its toll and see what I finally take up!
Now less frequently asked questions. By this I mean I just got one question of this sort. And that was if I was working. Now that made me both beam and surprised at the same time. Most people ask me if am in school as I am too small for my age. Now someone does consider me as a person who might be working. That is some improvement! Or maybe it was just another kind of conversation starters as the rest of them!
The convention got over. It was actually good. And the rest of my holidays I slept from my own room.
P.S. Happy Valentine’s Day !