Tuesday 26 June 2012


So today was just another day and I decided to blog after a long, long time. This time opening my browser I got myself to open Blogger instead of facebook. I was on facebook for so long and nothing was happening other than usual sharing and posting in hope of a better world. My entire class is online. We pretty much all the time are online. It is like facebook is infested with my college or something.

So this is what happens in my room which I share with two of my batchmates who got to be my roommates. We three will be glued to our respective laptop screens doing what jobless people do i.e watching movies over and over again, occasionally going on a movie hunt to other rooms etc. In between we even talk on facebook. For example if i suddenly get reminded that I have class tomorrow and I wanna know which hour it is first on the next day I send a message on facebook to my roommate even without glancing up at her. After some 10 minutes she sends me an 'I don’t know' and I am happy. Am happy cause am not the only one who doesn’t know what class it is. At dinner time we rise up and go to the mess hall. One of the very few (am serious, very few) senseless rules in our hostel is not to take food to our rooms. And our warden! She screams at us. She goes on and on and on about how spoilt we are, how because of our noise poor innocent boys in the boys hostel are unable to sleep! Yeah,right! They wouldn't even be in their conscious sense to hear us! However we manage to get past her and take the food to our room once in a while.

Talking about food we had upama today morning which I totally loathe. You give me one crore Indian Ruppees and ask me to eat it, I swear I won't. Or maybe I will. But it will be only because of the money. I don't even know why they give us that. Nobody has it. So breakfast for me like the rest of us was two bananas. In class we all are sleepy. In hostel we sleep by 1 o'clock at night and wake up by 8:30AM. Our class begins at 9AM. We leave hostel at 9:05AM in formals and slippers. For break I had a puffs from the canteen and it got very messy cause I was trying to gobble it up for I dont know what reason. We came back to hostel for lunch. It was a dull affair. Duller than usual. I don't know why today it was so especially dull. Anyways afternoon we had a class on Legal Method and a seminar. The seminar is our college's way of celebrating the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. A doctor came and made a presentation. Our Vice chancellor declared that our campus will be free from drugs, alcohols and cigarettes within 6 months. I have no clue how he is gonna make it happen though. It dragged on. In the end there was a skit from my batchmates which was nice. Back in hostel we resumed worshipping laptops. I finally finished watching Julie and Julia, a movie I have been watching for the past 3 days. Nowadays it takes me 3 days to finish a movie. Maybe its old age. And I was reading To Kill a Mockigbird. I am loving it:)

Oops! Right now an insect entered my room. My roomie is paranoid about insects. She screamed and I screamed and we screamed.

She:Do something!!!

Me:Like what?!

She:Its walking towards you!!

Me:Its not that big

She:Its huge.

Here is the thing. Sure the insect is dangerously black, shiny, clawed and can both fly and walk. But it isn't 1/1000000 the size my roomie imagines it to be. In her mind it is some 9 foot alien out of a horror fiction novel!

She:How can you just sit there?

Me:Let it come..

And she went in search of my other roomie...

Now another class mate came to our room after hearing the news from my roomie of the dangerous creature in our room.

She:Where is it?

Me:It is under that table..

She:Ok I am kind of freaked out. Its making a buzzing noise, dude! Are you not scared?

Me:I thought you were gonna do something about it.

She:I just came to see it. I am going.

huh...its somewhere around here only. And my roomie is having an animated conversation with somebody outside about the scary, huge, ugly, clawed bug that makes buzzing sounds.

So freaky dude!

So where were we? Then we had chappathi and paneer for dinner. We have it almost every other day am getting sick of it. More movies. Then I played hula hoop!

I started learning yesterday and I am not good at it. That is yet! I will master it soon though, I wish!!

Are you not scared it?

Where did it go?

Maybe we should fix a GPS to it to know where it went...

My roomie is outside the door and am here and the blog is getting long. Am gonna devote my eyes and ears for the buzzing monster. For my roomies sake.:)