Monday 2 July 2012



11:00AM So today is the 2nd. I know its been long. I possibly cannot continue my "today#1" series. But you must know that I was pretty busy. I went home for the weekend:) It was my parent's wedding anniversary. But my dad had to go to another city that day and it was Harthal in our city. Its because a person got arrested for murdering a politician to put it simply.

I spent my other days with movies and assignments and hula hoop again! However right now I am in my class. This is break time for us. Today our juniors just joined. Hope our teachers are busy with them and forget us! Huh, I wish! My college is pretty strict about attendance. We have 5 marks allotted for attendance in each subject. And this is what happened.

So you know I went home last weekend. In the afternoon hour I went in colour dress since I had to catch a train right after class. And my Political Science III professor just refused to give me attendance!! I pleaded with him. I even told him I will go back and change and come.(Thats how precious attendance is here!) Then he said he will ask the class. And they said No! The bitches!!!;P

Now the voting on freshers day theme is going on. I voted for Masquerade ball!! It would be so cool!

5:10 PM I had class and my laptop ran out of charge, so I couldn't finish the blog then and there. But guess what? Masquerade ball won!!!!Yay!!..So on the 2nd of August 2012 we are gonna have a Masquerade party for our juniors. Hope it turns out well! *FINGERS CROSSED*

Am back in my hostel and I just had some bland tea. I am thinking of decorating my room. One year and I am still thinking! Yesterday I tried cleaning out my cupboard and I failed miserably. I have more stuff than the huge Almirah they allotted us. Huh!

I wanted to go for a walk. But my roomie is too lazy to come with me.

And unfortunately all our teachers came today. Those who didn't come gave us assignments to do in class:(

Anyways bye for now. Will fill you up with all the happenings here soon!!!:):)

1 comment:

  1. hmm.. NUALS is really an interesting topic to blog..!!! any ways nice yaar... :))
